Photographs by Javier Sempere, Lorena Emperador and Julia Escrivá
UPV, through its Center for Develoment Cooperation, promotes the involvement of students and staff in cooperation for development projects in different countries across the world. These activities are NOT open to incoming exchange students, only regular (degree-seking ) students
Activities aimed at students allow them to put in practice their technical knowledge at the same time that they get to know the work and projects carried out by the agents of international development cooperation. Another goal is to develop the feeling of solidarity and compromise towards the less-favoured population.
Meridies-Cooperation Grants: periods of 3-5 months in development cooperation programs and projects in countries in Southern countries, through universities, NGOs, international organizations, agencies, etc. Mainly for students in the last stages of their education. Applicants apply to join projects and activities offered in the call for applications, listed by degree agreas. 4,5 ECTS can be obtained (credits for cooperation activities). Call for applications usually published in February-March.
Development Cooperation Program: work periods of minimum 2 months in agencies, organizations working in delopvment cooperaton activities, with the purpose of preparing a bachelor or master’s degree project (thesis). The degree project proposal must always be backed by a member of teaching staff, who will act as the academic supervisor. Applicants must find the host institution/organization themselves and make a proposal with working program and the degree project outline.
Link to the website of the UPV Center for Development Cooperation